Tuesday 7 February 2012

Change of Ideas

 From the feedback that we had received we knew that we had to make some major changes. The whole point of feedback is so that you can change it to satisfy a customers wants and needs. We only had a short amount of time in order to change our rough cut to our final cut and so we did not have time to plan a whole new story board as our original one did take around 2 weeks to produce. We decided that our story did not fit in with the song we had chosen. Although we still wanted to use our characters because we had planned our filming around them we decided to change our story line. Instead of our male character having a stalker we decided to make the male and female boyfriend and girlfriend but sadly they had split up, the video now looks at him looking at his past with his girlfriend and going back to all the places they have visited together. As well as keeping the video a narrative we are also going to make the video a performance video so that we can promote are artist a lot more than we had previously done. A new audience watching this video would not know that our main character was the main artist of Bloc Party and so we decided we needed to make this more clear after looking at our feedback. We had already filmed in Camden for our music video but now we had changed the story line most of this footage could not be used however some of the footage can be used for example where Emily comes closer to Jake as he is standing still, this still creates a sense of mystery and illusion for the audience as its almost as if she is ghost like. The end of the video will show Jake concluding his journey looking back at the past with his girlfriend and will show him walking off alone into the distance. We felt that this was a much better story line and actually fitted in with the lyrics of our song.

For example in the chorus it says 'we were hoping for some romance, all we found was more despair' this portrays that our male was looking for the romance to continue but because they had split up despair was created.

Visuals complimenting the visuals...
Due the large amounts of rendering we had to do every time we edited our music video we decided to change our choice of camera to a hand held video camera. Due to the fact it took so long to edited we did not really have enough time to try out different effects as simply to test one effect took around 5 minutes which was vital editing time. The use of the new camera will allow us to place in more effects such as overlays as it does not requiring rendering as often. Lyrics such as 'if your right hand is causing you pain cut it off, cut it off' we will place an overlay of this happening so that the lyrics and the visuals compliment each other.

New Locations
It was difficult to try to get up to London again seeing as we all lived in different areas and getting trains was sometimes difficult and expensive. We therefore decided to film more locally this way we knew what locations were best and we did not waste time looking for places to film. Our chosen three locations to film were Sidcup, Dartford and one of our houses. Having three different locations creates a variety of shots for the audience watching our video. This should help to prevent audiences thinking our video is too repetitive.

Dartford Highstreet

Sidcup Highstreet

Emilys House

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