Wednesday 29 February 2012

Album Research

The album we came up with was Escape, we felt this was similar to Bloc Party's current albums such as Intimacy. Before constructing our cover art we had to research into current albums to look at conventions so that our CD album looked like a real media product. Some of the conventions we found were that the band or artists names are featured on the front of the album and also an image of the artist or band or fancy album works or pictures.

Here is an example of a front cover from the band the Hoosiers who are part of the indie genre. They use the colour scheme of red and white here and you can clearly see the band and album name, the band use this text on all of their albums as it creates a unified house style and a mode of address that makes them easily identifiable by fans and new audiences. For the cover art they continue to use the red colour scheme and have created a cartoon like design. Having listening to the hoosiers and watched various music videos this type of album fits the personality of the band.

This is the inside of their album it again continues to use the red colour scheme which creates the same house style through and each item compliments the other. If these we to be separated you could tell that they belonged together, which is what we would like to achieve in construction our album. They have included an image of the band on the inside page and used similar images from the front page for an image border. The CD has a plain simple design with the band and album name. The image behind the CD is also simple and consists of a red background.

Finally this is the Hoosiers back page of their album. Again they use the red colour scheme as seen in the other elements of the album. The use a similar design to the front of the album cover with the cartton design around the edge. In the middle they have a song list of the songs included in their album, this is a key convention that all music albums will have. Lastly a bar code is also included and so it is important that we also use this same technique.

Here is a layout design of how we want our album covers to look like. For the front page we will feature a close up image of our artist and place the band name and album name in the top right hand corner. For the back page we will place a similar image but with his eyes closed. We feel this compliments the album as he has his eyes open on the front and eyes closed on the back. The CD cover will simply have the band name on it. The inside page will feature some images of the characters seen in the music video. The album will also have the same colour scheme throughout in order to create the same house style.

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