Monday 19 March 2012

Evaluation 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

For our media coursework we had to make a music video and complete and ancillary task which involved the creation of album artwork and a magazine advert. Conventions across all the media platforms (music video, magazine advert and album artwork) will contain similar images, colour schemes, fonts and mise en scene (eg. clothing) to create an easily identifiable brand. An identifiable brand is important when promoting effectively. The brand needs to be recognizable for audiences so they can link the platforms together. Researching into these conventions allowed us to collaborate the same techniques into our media platforms. The genre of music that we decided on was Indie, so the first thing we did was to find songs of the indie genre. After numerous you tube videos and feedback from songs we decided on 'Flux' by Bloc Party. This band belong to the indie genre and so this was a helpful starting point in creating our media platforms.

Here is a short animated video about our target audience as previously shown in older posts.

Here I have layed out one of our ancillary tasks to show the connections between the three media platforms. As you can see there is a coherent house style throughout using the same colour schemes, fonts and images which are illustrated on all three platforms. We have taken screen grabs from our chorus and made them smaller for our poster. Using the same image we placed this onto our album as the front cover. This immediately created a link between the three platforms as we took the image from our video, placed it onto the advert and also as the front cover of the album. This would make all three platforms easily recognizable to our audiences. For our album work all panels included the dark colour scheme and the font 'code light' and 'code bold' this again created the same mode of address for our audience. Not only is this used throughout our media platforms but the same font is used on every Bloc Party album and so we tried to get a font that matched as closely as possible to keep our album realistic.On our poster we added a banner in order to promote the album.

This is our other digipak that we created first of all. The links between this digipak are not as strong as the one above mainly because of the differences between the magazine advert and album artwork. The images seen on our album are taken from our music video and is the first visual that the audience will see when watching it. We thought it would be a good idea to place eyes open on the front of the album and eyes closed on the back of the album in order to amplify the image and create structure. The inside of the album is created in a similar way, we have the same CD design but in a lighter colour and also the three images for the inside page have also been used to create the same house style. For the magazine advert in order to link the platforms together we added an image of this album so that audiences would link to two together. Artists such as Rhianna have done this to promote there album and we think it is an effective way of advertising the album and promoting the artist.

I believe that our ancillary task links in extremely well with our music platform. The use of similar colours and pictures means that the media platforms can be easily identified together. This is important when selling CD's as audiences know which promotional tools link with which product. We created two digipak's and even though there were two different colour schemes we still did link all the platforms together for example with the advert we placed an image of the CD cover on it so that audiences would recognize what the CD looked like.

Here is a questionnaire we conducted that asked nine people if they thought our three media products all linked together. As you can see the majority of the people we asked (6) said that it did link together and the other three said 'kind of'. This was positive feedback as no one disagreed that it did not. 

What would we change?
If given the chance to create the media platforms again we would change a number of things...
The video - For our music video we would have planned much more in advance; none of us had filmed or edited before and it was very time consuming. If we did not plan what we were doing we could miss bits out meaning we had to go out and re film again, time that could of been used to edit our video. If filming again I would plan our story line better as although it fit into the song we changed it from our orignal story board and so this one was not in as much depth. When going out to film I would plan what needed to be filmed in detail so that we did not waste time and we got all the footage that we needed. The colouring of the video was quite bleached; even though we changed it slightly in photoshop we would look to be more aware of lighting in the future.

The poster - I really like what we did with the poster and so I would not change much about it. If i could change anything I would have changed some of the smaller pictures we used as some were quite close up and stood out more than others. I really liked how it was layed out and had a real indie feel to it. Although we had two albums we did make the poster apply to both album covers.
The album artwork - We were quite limited on what images we could use for this as we wanted to take images from our video in order for the platforms to all link together, however there were not many shots of Jake on his own. If we could change this then we would take more pictures of Jake in the locations we had filmed in. This way we would have a nice image and also would have the location in the background so it was recognisable to the audience. Making two albums was time consuming and so if we did this again we could focus more on one album.

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