Wednesday 7 March 2012

Magazine Advert Construction

By looking at other magazine adverts we took several ideas to make our own and also incorporated our own designs. The overall consensus was to take screen grabs from our music video chorus and make them smaller and place them in different patterns over the page. This was a long process as we had to transform and crop each image and make them all the same size. Half way through doing this we decided to take an idea from Jessie J's magazine advert shown in a previous post. The idea was the make the second half of the page black. This matched with the current images on the pages as there were elements of black in the grabbed pictures.

Using Da Font we identified the correct font which matched closely to Bloc Party's type face on their album covers; underneath this is the album name which has been created in the same font but thinner. This way new and existing audiences can clearly see which is the band name and which is the album name. Using similar text to that of Bloc Party meant we could create the same mode of address which audiences could easily identify and link with the band. The masthead on the advert clearly identifies which band is being promoted. This typeface is also used on our album cover to create a unified house style and link our album and advert across the media platforms.

Once we had made the first half of the advert we had to being promoting the album, we did this by putting on reviews from music companies and newspapers such as NME, The Guardian and MTV. If bands are reviewed by well known companies such as these it helps to sell them as people respect the opinion of these companies. This promotional device is key in helping to sell albums. As well as a review we also put a star rating which can clearly be seen, we decided to use 5 and 4 star ratings in order to help sell more albums. If the album is rated highly then more people are likely to buy the album. To create some differentiation within the magazine advert we decided to change the font of the review to 'exibition' which was a tall elegant font which when researching we found that most magazine adverts did use this kind of font for reviews which made ours seem much more realistic.

When creating the magazine advert I used over 60 layers, this way it was easier to move individual pictures and text which were on the advert without affect any of the other graphics on the advert.
Looking at Rhiannas music advert we saw that she used an image of her album on her poster so we decided to also use this to help promote our album. All images featured on our album and advert were all taken from our music video to help promote it and link all three media platforms together.

The last thing to put on our magazine advert was record companies which are usually always featured on a magazine advert. I googled Bloc Party's record labels and used Atlantic and Wichita records to create realism for the advert. We also added in a website for the band where audiences can find more information.

We decided to make two album covers as our original album did not have that many links to our poster. Even though we have made two it is not unusual as bands such as Cold Play do have different album covers for the same album.

First magazine advert
This advert has the image of the album cover on the front as it looks different from our poster, this way audiences will recognize what the new album looks like.

Second magazine advert

This is the second magazine advert, we have removed the picture as the second album cover is of the first half of the poster image and therefore audiences will recognize what the album looks like.

Magazine adverts can also be used as posters; below I have distorted an image on photoshop and placed it at a bus stop where new albums can be advertised.

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