Friday 24 June 2011

My Top 5 Music Videos

1) The Scientist- Cold Play

This is my favorite music video. This is one of my favorite songs and I think that this video really adds to an amazing song. Throughout the music video the reverse effect is used creating a sense of the past. We see step through step what has happened and using this effect really helps to enhance some of the actions which have happened in the video for example the lady going through the windscreen and also when Chris Martin the lead vocalist jumps over walls. The movement of the song really fits with the tempo of the music creating a very well made music video. The lyric 'take me back to the start' really fits into this video as at the end we see where they wanted to be again before the car crash. The lead singer had to learn this song backwards in order for the lips to be in sync with the song. On you tube the official video has seen 5,915,614 views. I feel this is quite low for a very good music video and song. However cold play music does not appeal to every audience.

2) Single Ladies - Beyonce

This music uses a dance sequence throughout, It is filmed in black and white and uses harsh lighting to really define the woman and their shadows. The dancing is all the beat of the music and when the lyrics say 'should of put a ring on it' they all point to their fingers. The camera uses a number of close ups on beyonce to show her facial expressions throughout the video and also to define her as the other two woman do look similar. It is a very clever video and there has been numerous attempts to recreate this intense dance video. On you tube this video has seen a massive 125,740,523 views showing the popularity of this music video.

3) Here It Goes Again- OK Go

This is a simplistic video that creates a sense of enjoyment for the audience, when creating the video the cast were very careful in the placements of the treadmills and the types of moves that they did. They managed to utilize the equipment they had and made a very successful music video. Many viewers may watch it more than once to see actually how hard it is to dance on the moving treadmills. There are 6 treadmills and some of the moves they do in the video can confuse the audience as for example we may not know how they got to the other side. We can not (unless looking carefully) see the direction of the treadmill and so this adds to the effect. The movement of the four men matches the tempo of the music and the fact that the song repeats the work 'go' numerous times fits in with the treadmills. On you tube it managed a total of 7,927,514 views.

3) Like Toy Soldiers - Eminem

This video is part narrative part performance. This video is relatively simplistic to emphasize on Eminems powerful lyrics. If the video had lots of things going on then I feel this would take away from the lyrics. This is one of Eminems slower songs and is about violence. The video includes 50 cent and other rap artists we are used to boost the songs popularity. At the end we see a picture graffited on the wall of 4 rap artists who have are all dead due to street crime and violence. This video is almost a tribute to them and it really shows in Eminems lyrics and the lighting used throughout the video. On you tube this video saw a huge 53,573,935 views.

5) The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars

This is a very humerous video that brings will bring joy to the audience watching, its a very basic video which has been shot in a room with 5 people dressed as monkeys, they use silly dance moves and Bruno Mars is in sync with the lyrics. For some of the lyrics the actions do match together creating a sense of unison. I really like this video because I think it is very well put together and I can watch it more than once without getting bored. For such a simple video it has had 101,323,000 views on you tube. This should be the key to any artists success as you do not need to spend millions on a music video to make is successful.

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