Thursday 6 October 2011

Copyright Letter

For our choice of music 'Flux - Bloc Party' we had to get copy right permission to use the song and make a music video with it. In the letter we said how we wold not use our video in the mass media and only the exam board and the class would see the video. To find out who we needed to send an email to we used 'Google' to find out the producers of the Bloc party records. After researching we found one name 'Paul Epworth' that was a producer of Bloc Party music. We could not find a direct contact for him but found the company who managed him. This was Empire Management. We sent an email to them regarding the song copyright permission. We received an email back saying that we needed to get in contact with the record label 'Witchita' records which could be more useful. We sent this email...

After a few minutes we recieved an email back which said...

We were now getting closer to getting copyright permission as we were given a personal email address. We sent an email to Hannah Neaves using the same letter template we had for all the other emails we had sent. After a few minutes we receieved this response...

We now have permission to use 'Flux - Bloc Party' for our A2 media music video


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