Saturday 2 July 2011

Conventions of a Music Video

Andrew Goodwin

He identifies 5 aspects of music videos that audiences should look out for, these are:

1)Seeing the sound portrayed in the music video

The audience must look at the structure of the song in order to relate it to the visual images. What we hear can create a band identification for the audience, an artists voice is unique and audience can recognise them from this. A music video can be a two communcation device which shows the artists telling a story and allows us to listen.

2)Whether it is a narrative or a performance

Andrew Goodwin says that music videos should ignore common narrative as it is important in their advertising. Music videos will rarely give us a complete narrative and so audiences tend to get a 'gist' of the story and then will make up their own conclusions. Narrative and performances mix together in order to give a coherent repeatability which makes it easier for audiences to watch without getting bored. He says lip syncing is important as it creates realism for the audience, they need to believe this is real.

3)How the star image is shown

When an artist first starts out is important to develop a star image so that they are recognisable to their fans and new audiences. This should be portrayed in their music videos in order to develop a coherent house style.

4)Visual relations to the song

He splits this into 3 things: Illustrate - Images can be used to illustrate the meaning of the lyrics and genre which you find is most common. Amplify - This is when meaning and effects in the music video are constantly shown in order to keep them in our mind, this means we will want to watch it more which increases the popularity for the song. Disjuncture - This is opposite of the other two when the meaning of the song is completely ignored.

5)Technical effects of the music video

This is the use of camera, editing, mise-en-scene, sounds and addect effects. These all help to enhance the popularity of a music video.

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